Patriot Forklifts



klifts are a crucial piece of equipment in many industries, but they can also be very dangerous and even fatal if used improperly. In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that nearly 85 workers are killed and 34,900 workers are injured every year in forklift-related accidents.

If anyone in your warehouse is operating a forklift, he or she should be equipped with proper forklift training and follow basic forklift safety guidelines to help prevent accidents from occuring. Patriot Forklifts is one of the top forklift companies in Denver and our team has over 20 years of material handling industry experience. To help keep your company and employees safe, we have developed a list of guidelines to follow to become a more efficient and safer forklift operator.  

The Importance of Forklift Safety

By implementing proper training and forklift procedures, employers can create a safe work environment for their employees. It also ensure the success of their business. It is crucial for forklift operators to receive proper training and for employers to enforce strict safety guidelines. This includes following all traffic rules, wearing seatbelts, inspecting equipment before using it, and never exceeding the weight capacity of lifting equipment. Additionally, it is important for employers to regularly maintain all forklifts and keep them in good working condition. This not only helps prevent accidents, but it can also extend the lifespan of the equipment and save the business money in the long run. Forklift safety may seem like common sense, but taking the necessary precautions to prevent accidents can save lives.

Guidelines To Adhere To When Operating a Forklift

Adhering to forklift safety guidelines helps create a safe and productive work environment for everyone. Following safety guidelines ensure the safety of the forklift operator, those around them. It also prevents costly damages or disruptions to business operations. Below are the top guidelines to remember when operating a forklift:

1. Always follow safety protocol and wear protective gear 

It is important to remember that operating a forklift requires focus and adherence to safety protocols. Before operating a forklift, make sure you have received proper training and certification. Always wear protective gear, such as a hard hat and safety glasses, to protect yourself from potential hazards. It is also crucial to inspect the forklift for any malfunctions or damage before operating the machine.

2. Familiarize yourself with the forklift’s controls and capabilities

Before operating the forklift, it is important to familiarize yourself with its controls and capabilities. This includes understanding how to maneuver the vehicle, lift and lower the forks, and adjust the angle of the forks. It is also important to know the weight limit of the forklift and any other limitations or special features of the unit.

3. Keep a clear line of sight and be aware of your surroundings at all times

It is important to constantly be aware of your surroundings and maintain a clear line of sight. This means avoiding distractions such as cell phone usage, keeping an eye out for potential hazards, following traffic patterns and communicating your movements to others on the job. 

4. Stay within the weight capacity 

It is important to always adhere to the weight capacity of your forklift. Overloading equipment can lead to tipping or damage to the forklift and potentially cause injury to those in the vicinity. 

Learn More Forklift Tips From Denver’s Forklift Experts!

The Patriot Forklifts team has a wealth of experience in the forklift industry and is always happy to share our tips and tricks. Our team also stays up to date on the latest technologies and training requirements. We also ensure that we can provide our customers with the best advice possible. Contact us today at (720) 798-0276 to learn more about our forklift company!